We are all nature

When you connect to nature you’re connecting to yourself, but as the human race advances so does the distance to our natural past and our opportunity to spend time outside.
Photography: Jim Marsden | Creative Direction: Jeffrey Bowman
We share 50% of our DNA with trees as one example of our connection to nature, yet our access and proximity to nature is decreasing. Globally, humans are on average 6 miles away from nature and this distance is increasing every decade due to the changes in climate and man made alterations to natural habitats.

At OTSDR we’re concerned with one thing and one thing only… connecting to nature in the simplest way possible, shortening that gap and access to nature by encouraging you to step outside of your house and seek green and blue spaces as close to home as possible.
Because when you connect to nature and yourself you forge a connection that’s more meaningful, and with more meaning comes a greater sense of purpose to protect the thing you love.

As we advance further away from nature physically, we advance further away from ourselves.
We are all nature people. We must continue to build our connection with nature for a better today and a simpler tomorrow.